Festival of thousands of stories – On the way to the Ljubljana Youth Center

On Thursday, May 30, under the Fabiani Bridge, despite the rain, it was once again more lively than usual. Dragons, in cooperation with the Škrateljc Institute and the Sugar Factory, organized a day-long event – the Festival of a Thousand Stories. With the Festival, we revive the creative “spirit of Slovenian modernity” and its subversiveness, resistance and light. By co-creating the festival, we simultaneously live the values ​​and pilot the content that will fill the walls of the central youth center.

The morning part was intended for students and gathering new knowledge. They learned more about the work and life of Josip Murno Aleksandrov and tried their hand at coining rhymes themselves. They were transformed into stencils – you can see them in the skatepark in front of Cukrarna.

The afternoon part was devoted to culture, socializing, entertainment and consultation on a healthy lifestyle. Lotti Kavšek and Duo KentDiSajd provided the musical background. We skated in the company of RollEre and FlowRamps and listened to verses written by young poets in the company of the Mlade rime collective. KudLjud, with simple theater games to establish group dynamics and guided physical improvisations, encouraged us to playfully connect with each other and with the space under the bridge, despite the rainy weather.

The consultation on health and well-being at the Ljubljana Youth Center brought together 33 experts, young people and others, who are active in the field of health and well-being, but at the same time they are addressed by the topic of young people and/or are active in the field of work with young people. At the conference, the director of Mladih zmajev, Ksenja Perko, addressed the gathering, presenting the concept of the Ljubljana Youth Center (CML), where the thematic floors and contents will also be connected by the red thread of compassion. Regarding the health and well-being floor, which is located in the attic of the CML building, we opened a space for joint dreaming, while at the same time we were looking for concrete proposals for the contents of the floor. A special feature of this roundup was the joining of forces with the strategic partner of the floor, the Association Center for Helping Young People.

Through the process of the global cafe, we explored the questions of what the activities could be, who are the potential performers, who can participate in the activities, who they are intended for, how the work and cooperation between all users of the space takes place, and what other possible opportunities, limitations and pitfalls there are.

The harvest from the small working groups of the consultation was graphically drawn by Sanja Žagar, and you can see it in the attached document:

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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