CONNECT International stands for strengthening of democratic values and empowering of system of check and balances in our societies. Digital tools today provide us with a great opportunity to improve efficiency of democracy and democratic institutions, strengthen decision making processes and foster and empower youth participation. Therefore, we are using our work to put out these digital tools into action of making democracy more efficient and resilient.
Call for Participants: Road to Online Digital Citizenship Education (Brussels, 5-10.11.2023)
Representatives of youth organizations throughout Europe, youth workers, and educators working on/interested in Digital Citizenship Education (DCEducation), we are excited to invite you to our upcoming DCEducation training, which will be taking place in Brussels from...
CONFIDENT Training Held in North Macedonia
From May 14th to 21st, a training of trainers within the CONFIDENT project was held in Struga, N. Macedonia, with participants from Spain, Kosovo, Serbia, and North Macedonia. The training focused on piloting our innovative training methodology as part of the...
“Family Friendly Sport” Training for Clubs’ Staff Held in Belgrade
This week a Training of staff in clubs to become organizers of the family sport approach was held in Belgrade within the project "Family Friendly Sport". During the training, participants learned how to organize a family sport system in their clubs, ensure learning...
“Family Friendly Sport” Guidelines Have Arrived!
We are happy to announce that the two Guidelines developed within the project "Family Friendly Sport" are now officially online and available for free to all interested stakeholders that want to improve their capacities for implementing family friendly sports...
Call for Participants: Training on Mainstreaming Youth Perspective into Digital Citizenship Debate (June 11-16, Belgrade, Serbia)
Young people and representatives of youth organisations throughout Europe, we are excited to invite you to our upcoming Digital Citizenship training, which will be taking place in Serbia from June 11 to 16, 2023! Citizens' assemblies, protests, and elections are just...
The E-volunteering Mind Mapping Event Held in Belgrade
The E-volunteering Mind Mapping event was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from April 5 to 8, 2023. It gathered youth workers, educators, and other stakeholders in order to enable them to analyze and reevaluate the quality elements of the research on the current online...
The Project “European Living Library for Young Citizens” Is Successfully Finalized
During the past 3 years, we have been actively involved in the implementation of a project “European Living Library for Young Citizens”. The project was supported by Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union and executed by an international consortium led by...
Call for participants for the CONFIDENT Training in North Macedonia
The CONFIDENT Training for Trainers aims to train 12 youth educators on how to use the CONFIDENT methodology and to be able to implement it with the groups of young people they work with. CONFIDENT Methodology aims to discover what exactly the impact of Social Media...
Digital Citizenship: through Youth Glasses – Stakeholder Meeting
The year 2023 is CONNECT International’s Digital Citizenship year. Throughout the course of the year, we will delve deeper into this topic through all of our programmes and initiatives, with a particular emphasis on the topic being placed through the European Youth...
The President of CONNECT Takes Part in The Simulation of the Plenary Session of the European Parliament
The President of CONNECT took part in The Simulation of the Plenary Session of the European Parliament organized by our member organization MoveIt in cooperation with the Mandoulides Schools, with the approval of the Hellenic Ministry of Education and Culture and the...