Connect at the EYF learning and networking days

This February, a representative of Connect attended the EYF learning and networking days where, together with other international youth organizations’ representatives, they discussed the characteristics of grants and the financial management of international activities and annual work plans, were informed about the activities in cooperation with the European Youth Centres of the Council of Europe, and participated in various workshops on fundraising and involving the development of international youth organizations. 

Moreover, divided into working groups, participants debated on future EYF reforms and how to integrate youth perspectives in projects while granting a long-term effect on our projects’ targets (and subjects!): young individuals. 

The event depicted an invaluable opportunity to network with like-minded individuals who strive to make the voices of young people heard as loud as possible—one of the most important pillars of CONNECT’s vision.

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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