Aida Perović, a psychologist from the non-governmental organization Prima, is undergoing UNICEF training under the name “Caring Families” in order to work with adolescents and their parents. The program aims to strengthen the skills and self-confidence of parents in raising adolescents, reduce stress in the parent-teen relationship, improve positive parenting behavior, help families react better in crisis situations, help adolescents overcome risky behaviors, and improve the skills of parents and their adolescent children for conflict resolution. This will increase the number of Prima services for both young people and their parents.
The “Supporting Families” program, was successfully piloted by health centers, public, preschool institutions and civil, society organizations in five municipalities in Montenegro since 2018, with the support of UNICEF and the EU, has produced great results.
Program SUPPORTING FAMILIES includes 9 workshops, which will be realized during May and June, once in a week in NGO’s Prima office
Parents rated the program with an average rating of 4.74, out of a maximum of 5, which indicates a high degree of their satisfaction. Every participant would recommend the program to a friend or relative. Furthermore, an evaluation of this program found an overall reduction in harsh and abusive parenting by 70% and a significant reduction in child behavior problems (31%) and parental depression (45%).