The photo campaign Before They Hate is here!

Before They Hate (B4H8) project aims to raise awareness of hate speech and provide tools for youth workers to use with their youth to combat hate speech, misogyny, racism and other forms of discrimination, fostering an environment in which young people can actively participate. One of the materials of the project is the photo campaign that we would like to present today!

The Before They Hate photo campaign has been slow-cooked, collecting testimonies from young people in Iceland, Greece, Denmark and Spain who, at some point in their lives, have experienced hate speech on their own skin or are actively combating it.

This photo campaign aims to give visibility to different forms of discrimination that young people face today because of their skin colour, sexual orientation, religion, culture, gender identity or disability. The aim is to raise awareness that this type of discrimination is still happening today and is not something from the past, putting a face, name and surname to it, because what is not talked about, does not exist. That is why Before They Hate wants to give a voice to these people, to shake consciences and join forces in the fight against hate speech.

You can follow this campaign on the Instagram account of the Before They Hate project (@before_hate)  and also on CONNECT’s social media. Weekly we will share some of the testimonies of the participants who, from different parts of Europe, want to give visibility to the importance of combating hate speech.

Follow us on Instagram (@before_hate)  to stay tuned to this photo campaign and spread the word among your friends so that together we can fight back against hate speech.

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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