Open call to participate in a campaign Let’s connect! 

Open call to participate in a campaign Let’s connect! 

Dear members of the Connect International, As autumn approaches, we are thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new campaign Let's connect! that promises to celebrate and showcase the best digital practices among members. This exciting initiative will not...

Visit the exhibition 20 YEARS OF FARM PROD in Brussels

Visit the exhibition 20 YEARS OF FARM PROD in Brussels

Twenty years ago a group of young and upcoming visual artists decided to share a workshop by moving into an isolated farm in rural Belgium, giving birth to FARM PROD, one of the most unique contemporary urban art collections of the XXI century. Their retrospective...

Circle of Compassion – Youthwork based on compassion

Circle of Compassion – Youthwork based on compassion

The fundamental building block of communities is compassion. It spreads kindness, understanding, tolerance, warmth, and connection among people. Compassion, both toward self and toward others, is an emotional response, believed to be an essential aspect of...

The CONFIDENT Training Program and Methodology Has Arrived!

The CONFIDENT Training Program and Methodology Has Arrived!

The CONFIDENT Training Methodology is designed to support trainers and youth workers in helping young people to overcome psychological and mental issues caused by social media. This document is organized into five cohesive modules that are interconnected and work...



Piloting events within the project „Family Friendly Sports“ were implemented successfully in Serbia, Croatia, Greece and Spain. They were organized by sports clubs whose representatives have participated in the Training of clubs’ staff for implementing the family...

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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