Educ@te platform has been launched!

Educ@te platform has been launched!

We are happy to announce that Educ@te platform is now ONLINE! It represents an e-learning tool for raising the capacities of human rights educators (HRE) to work in the online environment. It is designed to provide HRE trainers with: theoretical background for...

Digital YOu Hackathon – Call for Participants

Digital YOu Hackathon – Call for Participants

Did you ever participate in a 5 hours long seminar online and thought: “OMG this could be done so much better”?  Did you try to manage your organization online and wondered if you can find simpler ways to do so? Did you miss networking events during COVID-19? If...

Connect International Has Attended Event of the VOLPRIS Project

Connect International Has Attended Event of the VOLPRIS Project

On July 29th, 2022, the Centre for European Volunteering organised in Brussels an event focused on the Volpris project, funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme which saw the participation of over 40 participants. The event had the objective of disseminating the work done...

Meeting with the Representative of The Government of Valencia

Meeting with the Representative of The Government of Valencia

On July 14, 2022, representatives of CONNECT International had opportunity to meet and talk with the representative of the Regional Government of Valencia and with the president of the Regional Youth Council of Valencia. During the meeting various topics regarding our...

Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges funding opportunity

Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges funding opportunity

Being part of an exchange program, but making it digital. The EU has introduced new components of the Erasmus+ program, thus allowing young people to take part in digital exchanges. Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges are online people-to-people activities that promote...

Call for Participants – “Turning Digital” Training

Call for Participants – “Turning Digital” Training

Project ‘’Turning Digital’’ aims to establish a sustainable adult e-learning system working towards providing beneficiaries the opportunity for skills development, improving educational accessibility to the activities and increasing participation in adult education....

Results of the “DigitalYOu” Research are now Online!

Results of the “DigitalYOu” Research are now Online!

Digital technologies have changed the way the world works. The process of digitalization has affected all segments of the global society, economy and the environment in which all organizations operate, so that it can be freely said that the digital transformation has...



Training of trainers within the project "EDUC@TE" was held in Skopje, North Macedonia, from 5th to 10th June 2022. The activity was attended by youth workers, educators and members of youth organizations with experience in online human rights education from all...

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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