The project "FFS – Family Friendly Sports" is supported by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and brings together 7 different organizations and sports clubs from 5 countries around Europe to achieve the aim of creating a sustainable ecosystem for the...
Educ@te workshop held in Brussels
The second workshop implemented within the project “Educ@te” was organized in Brussels, Belgium, from 13 to 16 May 2022. The event was attended by members of youth organizations and youth educators from Western and Northern Europe who exchanged experiences,...
Introduction to the European Year of Youth 2022
EUROPEAN YEAR OF YOUTH 2022 "But if we are to shape our Union in their mould, young people must be able to shape Europe's future. Our Union needs a soul and a vision they can connect to." Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission During the 2021 State...
Literature review on the impact of social media on mental health of young people is published within the “CONFIDENT!” project
The literature review “Social media and mental health of young people” provides a theoretical framework to understand how to define and conceptualize connections between social media and mental health of young people. The review includes various theoretical models...
Democracy Here, Democracy Now – Youth Action Week
We're excited to share information about the upcoming Youth Action Week within the Council of Europe's Youth Department's Democracy Here, Democracy Now Campaign, which was shared with us by the Campaign Secretariat! From June 27 to July 2, the Youth Department plans...
The CONFIDENT Platform Has Arrived
We are happy to announce that the website developed within the project "The Confident - Combating the Negative Influence of Social Media" is now online! This project aims to support the changing of the negative self-image of young people caused by social media by...
Take part in Educ@te Training in Skopje (5-10.06.2022)
If you are a youth worker, educator or a member of a youth organization with experience in online human rights education who is willing to increase your capacities and skills, we are inviting you to apply for the EDUC@TE training,...
CONNECT’s representative has joined the Advisory Council on Youth!
The list of new members of the Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ) was approved by the Committee of Ministers on April 20. On the recommendation of the Council of Europe's Secretary-General, CONNECT's representative Dimitrije Jovićević was appointed as a new member of the...
CONNECT to support The European Year of Youth 2022
During the 2021 State of the Union address, European Commission President Von Der Leyen announced the Commission's intention to propose designating 2022 as the European Year of Youth. Following the conclusion of the inter-institutional negotiations, 2022 was...
Educ@te workshop implemented in Belgrade
The workshop within the project "Educ@te" was held in Belgrade, Serbia, from April 11 to 14, 2022. The activity was attended by educators and members of youth organizations from Southeastern and Eastern Europe who had a unique chance to share experiences and explore...
Start of the project DigitalYOu!
The start of the project "DigitalYOu - Digitalization of Youth Organizational Work" was marked by a kickoff meeting which was held in Belgrade from April 1 to 4, 2022. During the event partner organizations CONNECT international (Belgium), Balkan Urban Movement...
Representative of CONNECT took part in the Training Course on AI Literacy
The representative of CONNECT International had an opportunity to participate in the Training Course on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Literacy which was organized by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe in Budapest from 28 March to April 1, 2022. The course...