Representatives of CONNECT at the training “Digital Media Skills for Inclusion”
Two members of CONNECT International took part in an Erasmu+ Training Course called "Digital Media Skills for Inclusion" that was organized from November 1st to the 9th, 2021, in Kemer, Turkey. The training course was organized by a CONNECT International member...
Call for Participants – “Do Not Digitalize Me” Training (Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia, 12-18.12.2021)
The future of youth work is now! NFE activities are being filmed, live streams are being organized to reach more people, lectures posted online, e-learnings are replacing real meetings and online participation is replacing in-person participation, etc. This is...
Call for Candidates for the General Manager of CONNECT International
CONNECT International is opening a call for member organisations to candidate their members for the position of the general manager of the organisation. Having in mind that this position is statutory and that the person selected will be co-opted to the board, it was...
Multiplication event within the project “Algorithm for Mobility” in Novi Pazar
The second Multiplication Event within the project "Algorithm for Mobility" was organized in Novi Pazar, Serbia, on October 1, 2021.The event was an opportunity for representatives, members and activists of local organizations and institutions from this part of Serbia...
Project “European Living Library for Young Citizens” was organized in Thessaloniki from August 23rd to 26th, 2021.The project involved over 100 citizens, including 33 invited participants from the cities of Belgrade (Serbia), Quart de Poblet (Spain), Skopje...
“THINK! Don’t hate” Training for Counterizers was held in thessaloniki, Greece, from 17th to 24th August, 2021. This event was an opportunity for young people and youth workers from Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, North Macedonia, Belgium, Spain, Croatia and...
Multiplication event within the project “Algorithm for Mobility” in Brussels
Multiplication Event within the project "Algorithm for Mobility" was held on July 22 in Brussels, Belgium.This event was organized with the aim of acquainting the representatives of international organizations and local institutions from Brussels with the results of...
Do (Not) Digitalize Me Training Seminar held in Brussels, Belgium
The Seminar for International Perspective to Evidence-based Policy within the project “Do (Not) Digitalize” was held from 19th till 22nd July 2021 in Brussels, Belgium. The Seminar had two purposes - the first one was to analyze the data collected until now on...
SOCI@LISE Study Session implemented in Budapest, Hungary
The study Session “Soci@lise: Social Rights in Digital Era” was held from 12th to 18th July 2021 in European Youth Center in Budapest, Hungary. The event was organized by CONNECT International and Youth Express Network with the support of the Youth Department of the...
Invitation to the Multiplication & Networking Event within the project “Algorithm for Mobility”
Date and time: the 22nd of July 2021 at 11.00 CET Venue: Lodzkie House, Square Marie-Louise 2, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium Dear friends, Balkan Urban Movement (Serbia) and Connect International AISBL (Belgium) are inviting you to take part in our multiplication and...
CONNECT is a Partner on the Project “EPITOME”
In the next two years CONNECT International will be working on a project "EPITOME - Exploring the Potential of mInecrafT in prObleM basEd curricula" as a part of a 6 member Consortium comprised of organizations, companies and institutions from across Europe. The...
Guides for Communication Strategies Now Available On
In order to support youth organizations in disseminating their mobility activities with young people we have developed two type of guides which can be used to improve the way you communicate with them. The Communication Guide is designed to lead your...