General Assembly of CONNECT International for 2020 held online

General Assembly of CONNECT International for 2020 held online

The General Assembly of CONNECT International was organized on Monday, December 21, 2020 via the interactive video conference platforms. It was attended by representatives of member organizations from all around Europe. This event offered a spot for members to...

NF@ Training held in Vršac, Serbia

NF@ Training held in Vršac, Serbia

The training seminar within the project "NF@ - building capacities of youth organizations to create online NFE activities" was held from 8th till 13th November 2020 in Vršac, Serbia. The training was attended by young people  from all over Europe, who have...

Become a part of the CONNECT’s Pool of Experts

Become a part of the CONNECT’s Pool of Experts

We are happy to invite all people with experience in youth work, digitalizatioin, non-formal education and digital rights protection and promotion to appply for the membership in the CONNECT International Pool of Trainers. By being part of the Pool of Experts you will...

Exchange It Training For Developers implemented in Vršac, Serbia

Exchange It Training For Developers implemented in Vršac, Serbia

The second training seminar within the project “Exchange it – Towards Cooperation and Reconciliation” was implemented in Vršac, Serbia, from 10th till 18th October 2020. The Training for Developers was attended by participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina,...

Exchange It – Training for Starters Held in Niš, Serbia

Exchange It – Training for Starters Held in Niš, Serbia

The first of two planned training seminars within the project "Exchange it - Towards Cooperation and Reconciliation" was implemented in Niš, Serbia, from August 31st till September 7th, 2020. The Training for Starters was attended by the representatives of youth...

Digital Youth Work In the Age Of COVID19

Digital Youth Work In the Age Of COVID19

The global outbreak of COVID 19 has had a profound effect on the lives of billions of people around the world. It has changed the way we work, study, travel and even how we have fun and relax. The youth workers and their organizations and institutions haven't been...

Webinar “Fighting Disinformation” held on July 29, 2020

Webinar “Fighting Disinformation” held on July 29, 2020

The webinar “Fighting Disinformation – working with young people on Digital Literacy” was held on Tuesday, July 29th via the ZOOM platform. More than 30 participants from all around Europe have attended the Webinar and had the opportunity to explore the influence of...

UpDatAed Webinar for Spanish Organizations Held on June 22

UpDatAed Webinar for Spanish Organizations Held on June 22

The "UpDatAed" online webinar and workshop for organizations from Spain was implemented on June 22, 2020, via the Google Meet platform. It was attended by 25 youth workers and representatives of youth organizations from all around Spain. The participants got a chance...

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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