Call for Webinar – Volunteers – (in)visible resources

Call for Webinar – Volunteers – (in)visible resources

CONNECT is happy to invite you to the 6th edition of “Visibility of the Invisible” seminar series, organised by the Malta Sociological Association, will be held on Monday 2 December at 6pm CET.  This annual event has been held since 2019 and takes place during...

Kickoff Meeting of the Project PASS

Kickoff Meeting of the Project PASS

The Kick-Off meeting for the PASS project was held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. All the project partners gathered to develop a communication and dissemination strategy, agree on short and long-term plans for the project's smooth implementation, as well as select management...

Expert’s Group Meeting within the project “ReInNovating”

Expert’s Group Meeting within the project “ReInNovating”

In November 2024, the members of the Experts Group within the project "ReInNovating Digital Youth Work" gathered in Ljubljana for an in-person meeting to discuss how the innovation of online youth work approaches can be achieved. The meeting enabled the participants...

2024 General Assembly of CONNECT International

2024 General Assembly of CONNECT International

This year, CONNECT International hosted its annual General Assembly in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from the 6th to the 7th of November 2024. Representatives of member organizations came together to reflect on past achievements, establish goals for the coming year, and...

Circle of Compassion Closing Meeting

Circle of Compassion Closing Meeting

The final meeting of the Circle of Compassion project has been implemented successfully. During the meeting, representatives of each partner organization came together to evaluate the project and its efficiency, share their experience, and provide ideas and advice on...

CET Piloting Workshop – A Success in Brussels

CET Piloting Workshop – A Success in Brussels

Connect International in collaboration with the Generation Why Not held in October a piloting workshop, as part of the Communicate, Engage, Transform (CET) project, aimed at empowering participants with essential skills to drive meaningful change in their...

“Geltu!” A short film about hate speech

“Geltu!” A short film about hate speech

In September 2023, the short film ‘Geltu!’ (Barking) was shot in Iceland as part of the European project Before They Hate (B4H8). Coordinated by the Icelandic organisation Ofsi and supported by Connect International (Belgium), St Paul’s Youth Forum (Scotland), Center...

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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