Invitation: INFO DAYS for the new platform DigitalYOu

Invitation: INFO DAYS for the new platform DigitalYOu

Connect International is inviting you to participate in the Info days for the new platform Digital YOu that will happen on the 8th of March at 18.00 CET, at Mundo Madou (Av. des Arts 7/8) in Brussels, Belgium.  The new platform Digital YOu is...

Call for international web conference “Circle of Compassion”

Call for international web conference “Circle of Compassion”

We believe that compassion is a fundamental building block of communities, spreading kindness, understanding, tolerance, warmth and connectedness between people. It is a quality that can be cultivated through practice and it means being aware of how our actions affect...

Kickoff meeting of the “ReInNovating Youth Work” Project

Kickoff meeting of the “ReInNovating Youth Work” Project

The kickoff meeting of the "ReInNovating Youth Work" project was held online on February 15th and 16th, 2024. It gathered representatives of partner organizations to make final arrangements and agreements on the realization of all tasks in order to have a...

BITE Networking event takes place in Belgrade

BITE Networking event takes place in Belgrade

The international networking event within the project BITE 2.0 took place in Belgrade from January 31st to February 2nd, gathering representatives of cultural operators, organizations and institutions from all around Europe. Within the event we officially published...

Pool of experts meeting within the project DigitalYOu

Pool of experts meeting within the project DigitalYOu

The online meeting of the Pool of Experts members was held on January 25th, 2024. The meeting enabled PoE members to meet each other and to get introduced to the latest developments of the DigitalYOu project. The innovative DigitalYou platform and its functions were...

The Family Friendly Sport Platform Has Arrived

The Family Friendly Sport Platform Has Arrived

This innovative platform developed within the EU-supported project “Family Friendly Sports” is now available. The project has the aim of creating a sustainable ecosystem for the development and growth of family-friendly sports aimed at children’s health enhancement...

Start of the project AI4YOUTH

Start of the project AI4YOUTH

The first consortium meeting within the project AI4Youth was held in Belgrade this December. It enabled representatives of partner organizations of Backslash, CONNECT International and Balkan Urban Movement to arrange plans for the effortless project tasks...

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European Youth Foundation of the Council of Europe

Co-funded by the European Union

Creative Europe Programme of the European Union

Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union

Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union

Friedrich Neumann Foundation

SmartCity.Education Initiative

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